LMS Extras
The Magister LMS comes fully loaded with an array of powerful and useful functions that go beyond what a traditional LMS provides. At CSoft, we call Magister an xLMS (Extended LMS) for good reason.

Explore a sample of extra functions available in the list below.
Magister LMS, the xLMS

The Game module in Magister offers a comprehensive and effective solution for gamification, instructor-led training, and interactive presentations. Self-paced games allow you to share general content, media, and questions, as well as scored activities and points earned.

Magister offers multiple ways to aggregate scores and points to leverage various types of leaderboards (individual, teams, divisions, departments, or areas), allowing users on learning plans of any size to see who is on the podium. Additionally, leaderboards can also focus on different data, such as amount of training completed, speed of accomplishments, and more.

While some of the basic elements of gamification can be found in some other top LMS on the market, Magister has unique capabilities that take it to the next level. Some are straight forward, like the built-in templates to use animated sceneries and characters to deliver feedback and scores. Some are way more sophisticated, comprehensive, and worthy of a state-of-the-art custom solution, like the ability for users to customize their system avatar. When users learn and improve, they unlock more options for them to personalize, dress, and accessorize their avatar. Exceptional users can even acquire special abilities and can play tricks on other users' avatar. The process is simple: an engaged user is a more motivated user, and a more motivated user is a better user.

Microlearning in Magister provides capabilities to produce, deliver, and assess content in small bites for learners to study at their convenience. Microlearning can leverage all the different types of content available in Magister and assemble them in small bursts that can be quickly and effectively processed by users.

Microlearning is not just small content. To be effective, it has to be delivered at the right time, in the right intervals, and monitored carefully. Magister has all the tools to accomplish just that.

Microlearning in Magister does not stop there. Magister goes above and beyond with functionalities that really leverage the power of microlearning for the right situations. For example, Magister Cycles are a flexible and powerful option to deliver key concepts and topics. The user is presented with the concept and then tested on it with quick microassessments. Those same questions and reinforcements repeat in cycles that can be set to use any given timeline and interval, until the user consistently answer the questions correctly for a set number of times. In a nutshell, memorize key concepts by repetition leveraging the innate capacity of the human brain to remember things that happen more often to be more efficient.

Confidence-Based Assessments are a step up from your regular assessments: they introduce a new layer of information that allows for a better understanding of the user and their learning level.

Each question the user answers comes with the opportunity to share their confidence level via three buttons: Very Confident, Confident, Not Confident. Therefore, each question can have six possible scores, depending on whether the response is correct/incorrect and their confidence metric.

Advanced reports and analytics identify both users and topics that need to be addressed. For example, a user that is marked red is "Misinformed" (incorrect with high confidence), and is more likely to make incorrect choices when applying what they believe to be true.

First impressions matter: a good first impression sets the tone for any new employee. Magister comes with all the tools to organize, facilitate, and manage the whole training process for any onboarding. From flexible new-hire learning plans and guided progression, to manager and HR coordination, notifications to reminders, and milestones to progression reports, Magister has it all.

What truly sets Magister apart is the ability to use dedicated new-hires layouts. Layouts are proprietary technology that allows Magister to be organized, branded, and designed to clients' individual needs and preferences. By leveraging this unique capability, newly hired employees are guided, step-by-step, day-by-day, in a visual layout that pulls all the content they need at any given time, and organize it in a sequential approach that removes any possible doubt or misunderstanding. This allows users to focus entirely on their learning and keep moving forward.

The Magister LMS hosts three types of Instructor-led training: live class, remote class, and hybrid option. Classes, webinars, video calls, and conference calls, all work, BUT, there is no way of ensuring that your participants are actually paying attention, understanding, and retaining the content. Magister Instructor-Led capabilities give full control to the facilitator with live tracking, and comprehension feedback.

The instructor drives the content and can see how participants are doing in real time, as well as their answers and overall trends. Unlike typically-structured trainings, instructors can address confusion on the spot and offer explanations, making for a more effective and productive class session. The facilitator can also use a host of additional features on the fly, like sharing a live leaderboard on the screen to dropping a fun buzzer for an impromptu question.

Most importantly, unlike other means of remote training, Magister classes can track all data for later review. Each answer, interaction, score, etc. is tracked and can be used at a later date to review overall performance, tricky topics, trends, and more, so that training can be adjusted and fine-tuned for the next class.

Acknowledgements are a set of built-in templates and functionalities that allow users to formally acknowledge something in various forms (i.e. text, documents, audio, video). They also provide a series of additional options that can be used as necessary, such as an initial disclaimer to be accepted, the possibility to ask a question, grouping of multiple acknowledgements, compliance features like audit trails, and much more.

The Magister LMS includes a comprehensive set of functions to use the system for data collection, processing, and archiving. Users (employees, participants, customers, etc.) can be formally assigned different types of forms, on screen or as a PDF file, to enter virtually any kind of information. The information can then be simply archived or processed for further use.

Information being collected is not limited to data; users can be required to also include additional attached files (i.e. original documents, certificates, graphs, etc.). Specific people, groups, or even external partners can be notified when data is been uploaded, and can also sent a copy if required.

More advanced capabilities are also available for further processing of the data collected. Magister can be set to parse the data into a specific format (i.e. XML, JSON, etc.) and pass it to other systems for additional processing (i.e. storage, automatic account creation, etc.).

Documentations are a particular type of content in the Magister LMS that allows the creation of assets with the main characteristic of being subject to revisions in time (i.e. Forms, Manuals, Policies, Procedures, SOPs, etc.), and as such, require users to be trained again once a new version is available.

Documentations also include functions for the management of content revisions and history review with the option to keep some or all versions of the document in the system. Each version also maintains records with the details of the corresponding revision, including general information, dates, creation information, total file updates, author, and date of the last update.

Magister Scripts are a powerful built-in set of programmable actions that can be assembled to perform many administrative tasks. Many common procedures like assignments, notifications, reports, accounts management, printed certificates, and more can be grouped as a series of steps into a script. Scripts can then be executed at any time by an admin, or set to run at specific moments (time, day, month, etc.) on a one-time basis or on a recurring schedule.

Magister SOPs are a very convenient and effective way to create and execute Standard Operating Procedures for the Magister LMS administrators. Each task to be performed in the LMS will typically require a series of functions to be used, parameters to be set, procedures to be completed, and so on. With Magister SOPs, repetitive tasks can be associated with a particular SOP that includes all the steps, in the correct order, to be performed to accomplish that task. Admins can then run an SOP each time they have to perform a given task and have Magister guide them automatically in executing the SOP, step by step, navigating to the right function, loading the right parameters, and so on.

Magister SOPs are a precious assistant for any admin because they allow tasks to be performed efficiently and correctly. Even more so, Magister SOPs are a must, and a right-hand, in all validated and compliant environments where tasks must be guaranteed to execute correctly and with consistent results every time.

Printed certificates are formal completion certificates that can be attached to any content to provide users with the options to download and print a paper copy. The Magister LMS offers a complete set of functions for the creation, management, and use of printed certificates.

There is no limit to the number of printed certificates created and used in the system. Each training initiative, company division, or special event can have its own printed certificate to optimize branding and include the proper information.

Many different objects and data can be used: graphics for the background, special logo or branding, data fields for the name, date, content title, custom text, and much more.

Learning Plans provide a quick and efficient way to assemble multiple content titles to be assigned together to users. They can include courses, assessments, documents, surveys, events, and any other Magister content type.

Each component can have a wide set of dedicated parameters set, from requirements to prerequisites, start day and active days to max attempts and mastery score.

Plans can have just a few components to be taken together or many components spanning days, weeks, or months, including milestones set along the way for automated notifications and reporting.

Catalogs provide a quick and efficient way to group together multiple content titles and types to be offered to users in a single place as self-enrolling opportunities.

Catalogs allow linking specific groups of content to a dedicated bucket, identified in the system with a specific branded graphic treatment and location.

Catalogs can be organized in many different ways with a host of parameters and options: type, audience, period, job title, category, and many more.

Electives are a powerful set of Magister functions that allow for creating content offerings and presenting them to users to take by choice, at an individualized pace, and quantity, all withing a certain set of rules.

Titles can be classified in multiple categories and different stage levels. Usage rules specify how many should be taken in a given period of time, minimum and maximum interval between titles, order requirements, and many more.

The Self-Reported Training (SRT) set of functions allow users to create and manage any training activity attended or completed outside of the Magister LMS and/or outside of company initiatives.

Typical examples are: conferences, seminars, presentations, credited college classes, and any personal activity a user might want to report in the LMS.

Students benefit from the use of SRT because it provides a centralized, easy to use, and integrated function to manage their own activities. They can decide which ones to keep private, only visible and available to themselves for their own organization, and which ones should be public and added to the transcripts to document personal growth.

Managers benefit from SRT because they can quickly view a snapshot of the development, interests, and progress of their direct reports.

The company benefits from encouraging the use of SRT because it provides a real-world picture of how people are engaging in training, what they are looking for, the levels of investment, and provides a useful archive of additional knowledge and capabilities available among employees.

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